Fredericksburg, VA – September 2015 – The Defense Security Services (DSS) Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has awarded Charles F. Day & Associates (CFDay) a $803K contract to provide Integrated Business Management Project Support Services to include Program/Project Management, Risk Management, Process Mapping & Improvement, Policy Development & Strategic Planning.
November 2014 – The U.S. Army, Research, Development & Engineering Command (RDECOM), Armament Research and Engineering Centers (ARDEC), Logistics Research & Engineering Directorate (LRED), Life cycle Supportability Division (LCSD) has awarded Charles F. Day & Associates (CFDay) a contract on the Ammunition and Armament Product Life Cycle and Logistics Support IDIQ. This IDIQ provides engineering support and advanced energetic materials development in support of weapons and ammunition in all phases of their life cycle.
The U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC), headquartered at Picatinny, New Jersey, is a preeminent National and international leader in the research, development, engineering and production support for defense armament systems. The organization’s primary mission is to execute and manage life cycle engineering processes required for the research, development, production, field support and demilitarization of ammunition, weapons, fire control and associated items.
ARDEC partners with a wide variety of organizations including industry, academia and other Government organizations to accelerate the development and transition of new technologies for the warfighter. ARDEC’s research investment has also demonstrated commercial spin-off benefits for the nation’s civilian economy. Material science, manufacturing processes, virtual reality and simulation, image processing, and non-destructive testing are just a few of the capabilities available to the private sector.
October 2014 – Northrop Grumman has awarded Charles F. Day & Associates (CFDay) a subcontract to provide Media Specialists who portray local and national news organizations during exercises. CFDay provides Public Affairs-type support to exercises in the form of exercise newspapers, video news briefs, and on-camera interviews. CFDay replicates Public Affairs operations within the scenario and events of the exercise. CFDay also prepares and publishes an exercise newspaper and electronic media containing hypothetical media responses to exercise events.
September 2014 – The U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) has awarded Charles F. Day & Associates (CFDay) a contract on the INSCOM Global Intelligence Support Service (GISS) IDIQ. This IDIQ provide more responsive acquisition of services for current and future Army Intelligence, Security, and CYBER requirements and related support services. These services will supply resources that support a breadth and depth of various missions to include but not limited to: intelligence analysis, electronic systems, Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems, security systems, Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) systems, prototype intelligence hardware/software suites, and facilities that are developed, deployed, maintained and repaired at the highest state of readiness consistent with Army directives and standards.
September 2012 – Northrop Grumman has awarded Charles F. Day & Associates (CFDay) a subcontract to provide Mission Command Training Center (MCTC) Capability Support in Fort Sill, OK. CFDay will provide classroom level network support and administration, configure and administer classroom simulations, and provide Battle Command digital network training and administration to include Command Post of the Future (CPOF) and Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2). Mission Sites are intended to enhance student learning and the development of adaptive leaders, capable of critical thinking and prepared to operate in full spectrum U.S. Army, joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational environments. Understanding the contributions Mission Training technologies to make the learning experience, and well-being versed in their operational characteristics.
June 2011 – The U.S. Army Contracting Command, ACC-NJ-JA, Picatinny Arsenal has awarded Charles F. Day & Associates (CFDay) a $10.2M contract to support the mission of the Program Manager Towed Artillery Systems (PM-TAS) to field the M777A2 and M119A3 Lightweight Howitzers and the M111 Improved Position and Azimuth Determining System-GPS (IPADS-G) to U.S. Army and Marine Corps Artillery Units in both CONUS and OCONUS locations. CFDay will provide Field Service Representatives (FSRs) in Australia, Iraq, and Afghanistan; in-plant quality assurance representatives in Hattiesburg, MS; basic initial issue fielding in Yuma Proving Ground; TRADOC-certified platform instructors, Operator-NETT (O-NETT), Maintainer-NETT (M-NETT), and finally Improved Position and Azimuth Determining Systems (IPADS) at Fort Sill.
Team CFDay was awarded an IDIQ by the Training and Doctrine Command to support the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence
With this IDIQ, CFDay is able to provide services to and across the Fires, Maneuver, and Maneuver Support, TRADOC Schools and Centers.
Charles F. Day & Associates is proceeding to renew the Industry Chair agreement it has held with the National Defense University over the past 3 years. The Industry Chair position is engaged in supporting the Information Resource Management College of NDU. Dr. Charles Day recently stated, “we are excited to continue our relationship with the IRMC. The mission of our company is to support National Security and, with the emerging technologies, we can make a significant contribution through our relationship with the University.”
CFDay has established a Technology Innovation Center at the Purdue Research Park, W. Lafayette, Indiana. The Technology Innovation Center includes over 6,000 square feet of finished space with a 25 person training room, configuration for each person to have collaborative computer interfaces, and visual capacity across 20 linear feet of screen. The primary function within the Center is related to customizing state-of-the-art Big Data analytics for improved decision making. Purdue Univesity is one of the top research universities in the US, with world renown facilities in Jet Propulsion, Nuclear physics, Nano Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, and Computer Sciences. It is the home of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). CFDay has sponsored university research in nano-science in the past at Purdue, the site of one of the top five Nano science faculties in the country. CFDay intends to expand their presence in the Purdue Research Park to